Version 30 Notes

So excited to share some great news just in time for Mother’s Day!!! You all deserve to have the best platform to use for supporting your clients and I’m doing everything possible to make this happen. We have come a long way from the original Access Database (2011) to The Lactation Note (2014) to the foundation of MilkNotes and MilkNotes Pro as a web-based application (2016).  For our Mother’s Day release, the platform has been enhanced to include the following:

  • On the Child’s Background tab, we have added the age of the baby (in days) next to the weight/date fields. This feature does the age calculations for you on the screen. 
    • Based on numerous requests from our users, we have also added the ability for the LC to easily see the baby’s birthdate when adding the Birth Weight on the Background tab to our development roadmap. Look for this additional feature soon.
  • The Provider Report Fax is now a larger font, not limited to one page, and will include a list of the names of your handouts included in your parent’s Care Plan from the Recommendations Tab. This will eliminate any need to repeat yourself within the Provider/Medical Report.
  • We have added a Birth Location field to the Child’s Background tab. You can now type add the name of the facility where the infant was born to the child’s history. Just add a new item to the list or select an existing item.
  • We have added the ability to sort the Provider names by alphabet to make selection easier and to make editing more efficient. Dropdown selection lists are now sorted by first name to make finding them easier when you are charting.
  • Additional types have been added to the Provider Type dropdown list.
  • On the Child’s Assessment tab, instead of only the insertion of one number in the feedings history area, you have free text which allows documentation such as “3-4 oz”, etc.
  • The Skin to Skin at Birth field has been changed to minutes. All existing entries were converted to minutes
  • We added some field labels and removed the default selection for allergies on the Parent Intake. We will continue to gather feedback from all of you and continue to enhance the Parent Intake experience in the future.
  • This one was for me!  I have interns and contractors and instead of the default always starting with my name, there is now the ability to select “all consultants” and have it remain the default!!!  That way I see the whole week’s appointments at a glance!!

The last year has been full of unprecedented challenges for all of us and we, at MilkNotes, are right there with you. We have other items on our agenda for future development and are very open to your suggestions. If you are a MilkNotes Pro user, we invite you to send us your information to be listed on our website as a provider.  

We are also announcing that we are opening our blog to those of you who are part of our MilkNotes Family.  I would love to see what you are thinking about with regard to breastfeeding, private practice, babies, charting, any topic that interests you. If you like to write and have a talent for expressing your thoughts in written form, we would love to have you submit articles for our MilkNotes blog. It won’t be possible for us to publish all of them, but we want to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience that all of you have. If you would like more information about how to submit an article for review, email [email protected]. I look forward to seeing the diversity of knowledge within our MilkNotes family.