Version 24 Released!


Say hello to the 24th update that was released 9/1/19. Version 24 focuses on communication upgrades - some requested by you and others we added because, well... we think you’ll love them. All features and fixes are Pro Features except where noted otherwise. Here are the highlights of Version 24.



Secure Messaging Improvements:
  • Messages are now sent and received in Real-Time
  • New Message Icon indicator - displays total number of new messages
  • New “Message List” shows all unread messages from all parents
  • New/unread message counter automatically updates
Faxing improvements:
  • “Sent Faxes” list
  • Improved reliability
  • Provider and Practice Names now included in fax cover sheet
  • Ability to adjust appointment time and duration from within the calendar
  • Ability to configure whether or not to show duration on the public


  • Improved check mark visibility on SuperBill
  • Payment confirmation was not being shown in specific situations
  • Removed ability to add a blank insurance provider
  • Enabled scrolling on Consent and HIPAA forms (Starter Plan)
  • Screen was not scrolling to new messages when the message window required scrolling